Sunday, February 23, 2014

Faith to Face the Future

I've been learning a lot about faith lately. Well to be honest, I've been learning about faith for a long time- I'd say starting with a challenge from Elder David A. Bednar given to a group of Young Single Adults in August 2011. That's when I started to take my first steps on a journey that would be hard but also the happiest I'd ever embarked on.

When my younger brother passed away barely 3 weeks later, I'd already started a foundation that would help me to keep going. My testimony in the Plan of Salvation was strengthened and I knew that know matter what happened, I had a loving Heavenly Father who knew me and loved me. As I struggled to figure out where to take my life, I found myself on my knees pleading for guidance and courage from my Father in Heaven. Thus, I found myself serving as a representative of Jesus Christ for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 18 months in the California Long Beach mission. Let me tell you, a mission is the hardest, greatest, most challenging, and most rewarding experience I've ever had. I devoted 18 months of my time away from my family, from school, work, technology, from everything to share my testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I certainly wasn't perfect and I'm still not perfect, but once again I learned how much Heavenly Father loves me. He has a plan for me. And if I do the things He asks of me, I will become more like the person He created me to become.

As hard as the mission was, coming home was even harder. I had to relearn who I was. I had to shape the person I had become on my mission and find a way to fit it into the world. I had to find my place. I'm still trying to find my place. I certainly am not anywhere near finding it. However, I have found the faith/am still finding the faith to trust the Lord and put one step in front of the other.

Next test of faith: the other day, my mom approached me. I believe my parents only want the best for me so when my mom told me the "Bite the bullet" and "take a leap of faith" I knew she just wanted me to be happy. She told me to move out. Not in a "threw-my-clothes-out-on-the-front-yard" kind of move out. She wants me to be happy and I can't be truly happy in this little dusty town (it's not actually dusty).

You know when you were a kid and you attempted your first jump off the diving board at the local swimming pool. It can be really scary but you are already out on the board over the water. Sometimes, you need someone to push you off so you actually end up in the water. This is what my mom did. She pushed me off so I'd get into the water.

It can be really scary to take that step of faith. Whether it's moving out of the house like me or getting a "grown up job". Going to school. Going on a mission. Rejecting the world to live the gospel. Going to church every Sunday even if it feels like it's not worth it. Whatever that step of faith might be, it can be hard to take it. But it will be worth it.

I thought this video really captured what I've been learning lately. It's about having faith to face the future even if only a couple steps at a time are illuminated.

Life begins at the END of your COMFORT ZONE.

Smile Always,


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