Monday, March 10, 2014

Smile Always Chuck Spotlight: "See You Tonight" Scotty McCreary

This week's Smile Always Chuck Spotlight is...

"See You Tonight" by Scotty McCreary. 

This song is one of my current favorites just because I love the sound of it. Also, I LOVE Scotty McCreary's voice. It's a very "melt like a popsicle on the Fourth of July" kind of voice. He's also very cute in that Southern kind of way with the button up shirt, tight jeans (not normally my style), and the boots. I could get along with that. Haha! And I just like the way he dances at the microphone. I find it amusing and cute.


Smile Always,


1 comment:

  1. "I could get along with that". Love it! I also found his dancing amusing :)
