Thursday, November 26, 2015

Changing Seasons

There is a tree outside my window at work. (Okay, technically it's not my window because there are two other cubicles between me and the window but my desk faces the window.) As the weather has gotten cooler, I've watched the leaves change and fall from this tree. Up until last week, there have been leaves clinging tenaciously to the branches of this little tree outside my window. Then one day, I came to work and all the leaves had fallen, leaving the tree naked and cold.

Reflecting upon this tree, I see parallels between me and the last few leaves on the tree. Every fall, these leaves know that their time is up. Their time clinging to the branches during a warm summer breeze have faded to the cold winter snow that falls from the sky. How often do I wish to bask in the warm summer breeze in order to avoid the discomfort and unknown of the cold winter snow that must come to everyone.

Every life has its seasons. Some seasons are longer than others. For example, my season of being a single young adult is already stretching longer than I had anticipated. For some it's school. For others it's being unemployed or childless or stuck in a job they didn't want. There are many seasons. Sometimes we want the seasons to be over as quickly as possible. (How I feel about the cold winter season.) Other times, we don't want the season to ever end. (My feelings for summer.)

However, just like the leaves on the tree, every season must end so that another may begin. Change is not a bad thing although it can be scary. Eventually, we must give in and let go of our branch and fall into the unknown, having faith that everything will be okay.

And you know what? Everything will be okay. Because change and growth are a necessary part of our mortal journey. I don't know what my mortal journey entails exactly, but I know that I as have faith and allow myself to be open to new opportunities, I'll find my way.

There is a tree outside my window at work. Soon it's naked branches will be covered with snow. Soon, however, the breeze will blow a little warmer. The sun will shine a little brighter, and the snow will melt making way for the bright green leaves that will wave happily on a warm summer day.

Because life is about changing seasons.

Smile Always,


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