Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chuck's Grand Adventure (With Trusty Co-pilot, Legs)

[Well, it's been weeks since I've posted anything. My days of silence are over!]

Introducing: Chuck's Grand Adventure (With Trusty Co-pilot, Legs)!!!! Do-do-dooo!

I did something crazy and went on my very first grown-up road trip. Okay, it doesn't sound that crazy. If you knew me, you'd know that I'm not one to do stuff like that. I was invited to California by a girl I worked with while on my mission and for once, I didn't say no. Legs (name has been changed to protect identity... hahaha), called me up and asked me to go with her. After seven different plans made, we finally ended up taking her car and just driving it to California.

Day 0.5

My Luggage on the train
I took the train from Ogden to Orem where Legs picked me up. We spent the night at a mutual companion's family's house.

The train arrived at the Orem station on time. I grabbed my bags (pictured on the left) and stepped out into the cold. Legs was running late. I watched as everyone around me got into waiting vehicles. I was soon left standing alone, freezing at the train station. Happy New Years Eve to me. Don't worry. Legs showed up soon enough. I got to see some fireworks in the meantime.

Legs and I hung out with the A family and played a game, watched the ball drop- or didn't because we were on the wrong channel, and then toasted with grape juice to a new year.

Day 1

We packed up the '72 Volkswagon Bug and headed to California.
St. George Temple
Aside from a short stop in St. George to eat and see the temple, the trip was pretty uneventful... until we got  about 20 miles outside of Las Vegas.

Poor broken down Bug. Smile Always Bug.
That's when it all went down. Legs was driving the car (I didn't know how to drive stick shift) when the car started to die. I tried not to panic but let's be honest, I was kind of freaked out. However, something I've learned is that freaking out will do nothing in a situation but stress me out. So I stayed calm as Legs pulled to the side of the road and checked out poor little Bug. After making some phone calls, AAA was on their way and we had nothing to do but wait. I was quite impressed that I remained so calm. It turns out, the poor little bug was simply out of gas. The gas gauge was broken. We promised each other to never let the gas get low again. That was nearly 2 hours of our trip spent on the side of the road. Despite the slow down, we both remained in good spirits.

 Day 2

The Pier
The Bug at the beach
We spent the night in Huntington Beach with the awesome W family. Legs and I went to the beach. While on my mission, I was unable to go to the beach. I was anxious to touch the sand and to see the waves. The sun was shining so bright and it felt so good to shed my coat and walk around in a pair of flip flops. I couldn't believe it was January and it felt so warm. We walked along the pier and people watched.
Huntington Beach, CA

Legs and I split up in the afternoon. I went to Lakewood to spend time with Sister R and then to spend the night with the M family in Garden Grove. I had such a great time just catching up and talking. I don't need much to keep me entertained. It felt so good to see these families that I served around and to spend time with them. I loved it.

Day 3

P and B with the Chocolate Factory Bear
Legs taking a picture of D, B, and P
Legs picked me up in Garden Grove and we headed back to Huntington Beach to meet with D and her kids, B and P. Legs and I were the ones to teach D the gospel and help her join the church. She is so awesome and I loved being able to see them. We ate lunch at this cool sidewalk cafe called the Sugar Shack. After lunch and a visit to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory across the street, we walked a couple of blocks to the beach. This day was cool and the wind was chilly. But we still went out onto the beach and enjoyed the feel of the ocean. I didn't go anywhere near the water. I was cold enough as it was. But I still enjoyed the surprisingly warm sand between my toes.

Sister K, Legs, Sister A, and R eating Thai food
That evening, Legs and I babysat R for the W family. It was a lot of fun. We watched several hours of Curious George, ate Thai food with the Sister Missionaries, and played with 2 year old R. I enjoyed it immensely. R is such a funny kid. He loves Curious George and garbage trucks. I'm glad I got to hang out with him so much during my visit.

Day 4

L, Legs, K, J, and Chuck
The whole purpose of our visit was to go with K to the Los Angeles temple before she heads of on her mission to Denver Colorado. It was such a wonderful experience to see her and to see so many people I've come to love over the last 18 months. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of such a special day. Thanks K for inviting me to be there. I'm glad I chose to came. Legs and I enjoyed our visit to the L.A. temple.
Me and Legs outside the LA Temple

 We enjoyed dinner with K and her family before we headed back to Huntington Beach to spend time with the W family again. I got to brush up on my Dr. Mario skills... meaning I stink at Dr. Mario. But it was fun to play against Brother W and then afterwards to play with Sister W.

Day 5

We attended three different wards. By attended, I mean we made brief visits to these wards. First it was what was formerly known as HB 4th ward (I don't remember the new name for it). Then we headed up to Westminster ward. Legs is quite the celebrity there. Everyone was so excited to see her. It was really cool to see the love those members have for her. Afterwards we rushed up to the El Dorado ward (my last ward) to drop something off to one of the sister missionaries. It felt really good to see some of my old companions (Sister M and Sister B) as well as other ward members. I got to hug some of them. Haha. And I got some phone numbers so we can keep in touch. I'm grateful we had the opportunity to stop by these wards and say hi to some of the members. I wish the trip was one that I could see everyone I wanted to but unfortunately we just didn't have the time.

Our original plan had us heading back to Utah on day 5 but we decided it would be best to spend one more night in California and leave in the morning. We stayed with Legs family, the W's (different from the HB Ws.) in Yorba Linda.

Day 6

We started our journey back to Utah. This time, there were no unexpected stops on the side of the freeway. I was so grateful to see the Utah sign.
Back in UTAH!!
Oh, and I learned/am learning how to drive a stick shift. Legs decided that I needed to know. I have to confess that I was quite nervous to get behind the wheel of the bug but I came on this trip for adventures. Learning to drive stick shift is certainly an adventure. Driving along the freeway wasn't so bad but when we had to stop in Las Vegas for gas... well we almost died a couple of times. Never fear though, Legs helped me out and we made it semi-safely to the gas station. She took over driving until we got to St. George. Then I pulled out of the gas station at St. George. I only killed the engine twice before getting on the freeway. And of course, Legs was filming the whole thing... great...

We stopped in Cedar City so I could visit my little brother and then we were back on the road. We rolled into Orem around 8 or 8:30-ish. Our Grand Adventure came to an end.

At the conclusion of this Grand Adventure, I feel like I learned so much. It was a much needed escape for me. Now that I'm home, I feel so refreshed and ready to start my future. It's not an easy journey to embark but after some time away, I feel like I have clarity.

I am so glad that I did something adventurous and out of the ordinary. It helped me more than I thought possible. Having Legs along for the adventure helped me as well. She's the kind of person that really pushes me to step outside my comfort zone (like learning to drive stick shift). She's always been that way with me, especially when we were companions. I am so grateful for her and for our friendship that we have.

There you go. That's the tale of my "Grand Adventure". I loved it! I hope you all have your own "Grand Adventures" to tell about. In the mean time...

Remember to Smile Always,



  1. Thanks for sharing your adventure! XOXO

  2. Way to go Chuck. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your adventure with us. :-) <3
