Monday, September 21, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge: Beowulf

2015 Reading Challenge: A book that was originally written in a different language.

Translated by Seamus Heaney
213 pages (with original Old English on facing pages)

Grende's Mom
Many others...

At the beginning of the poem, we learn of the Danes and their Grendel problem. Grendel is some kind of Big foot monster who is considered spawn of Cain. He likes to come to King Hrothgar's golden town hall in the middle of the night to kill people and eat them. It's a big problem for the Danes. One that plagues them for many years.

Beowulf shows up out of the blue and helps the Danes and Hrothgar by tearing Grendel's arm off so he bleeds to death (or so I understand). But then, Mama Grendel shows up and takes the king's favorite advisor out of revenge for her son's death. Beowulf steps up once again to save the Danes. He jumps into a big lake to fight Grendel's mom. Then he steals dead Grendel's head for the king. The king is so happy he sends Beowulf home with all sorts of gold and treasure.

Then Beowulf grows old and kills a dragon and then dies. Now you don't have to read the poem!

I was surprised at how easy it was to read Beowulf. I always thought it was going to be so hard for me to read and comprehend. I really enjoyed it, to my surprise. I was given the book by my younger brother, who had a lovable quirk of giving gifts so that he could borrow them later for himself. I couldn't help but think of him as I read it. I wouldn't recommend this poem to just anyone... or really anyone. It's kind of weird and surprisingly gory.I'm not sure I really understand or love classic literature but I'm glad I finally read it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge: Persuasion

2015 Reading Challenge: A book with a one word title

Jane Austen
243 pages

Anne Elliot
Captain Frederick Wentworth
Sir Walter Elliot
Elizabeth Elliot
Mr. William Elliot
Lady Russell
Charles & Mary Musgrove
Louisa Musgrove
Henrietta Musgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Musgrove
Mrs. Smith
Admiral & Mrs. Croft

Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth met and fell in love when she was a young woman. When Anne announced the engagement, Lady Russell, practically Anne's surrogate mother/her actual neighbor, convinced her to call it off because he had no job (at the time), or money, and was below her (Anne's) station in life. Frederick was angry and left the area to find his fortune without Anne.

Eight and a half years later, Anne's family is struggling financially. They end up renting their estate out to Admiral Croft, who happens to be Frederick Wentworth's brother-in-law. So Sir Walter and Anne's older sister, Elizabeth, head off to Bath in an "effort" to help with their financial situation. Anne goes to stay with her younger sister Mary and her husband Charles. It turns out that Captain Wentworth, yep he's a captain now, is looking to get married and soon. So he starts hanging around with the Musgrove sisters, Louisa and Henrietta, who live next to Mary and Charles. So suddenly Anne has to see her former fiance flirt with other girls. Young girls while she is getting on in age at the ripe old age of 28.

Anne still has feelings for Captain Wentworth but he seems pretty upset with her. Will they end up together? Or does he end up with one of the Musgrove sisters?

I really liked this book. This is only my second Jane Austen book (my reading goal for next year is her books), but I truly enjoyed reading about it. I felt like she capture a girl's feeling when a guy she has liked or currently likes, comes around and acts indifferent to her. The anxiety and the excitement. I felt like I could relate to Anne a lot. It had a different feel than Pride and Prejudice, which is the other Jane Austen book I've read, but it was refreshing. I love a good story about unrequited love that is really requited and the agony that comes with it. It's about a girl who learns about regret but also learns to grow up. You aren't always ready for marriage until a little later in life.