Sunday, June 7, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge: Death Comes to Pemberly

2015 Reading Challenge: A book by an author I've never read before

Death Comes to Pemberley
P.D. James
291 pages

Elizabeth Darcy
Fitzwilliam Darcy
George Wickham
Colonel Fitzwilliam
Georgiana Darcy
Mr. Alveston
Hardcastle (Magistrate)

On eve of the Darcy's annual fall ball, a man is murdered on Pemberley property. Elizabeth and Darcy must figure out what happened and who the murderer is. Is it George Wickham, the unwanted brother-in-law? Or Colonel Fitzwilliam, who has been seen doing suspicious things? Or is there a murderer roaming the woods of Pemberley?

What really happened in the woods that fateful stormy night?

I saw the miniseries on Netflix and loved it. As it usually goes, the book is good but quite different from the miniseries. It's not as fast paced and tends to be a little slow in parts. But the mystery is still good and it's an interesting read. It's always fun to read about beloved characters in a new way. P.D. James did a good job at staying true to the characters created by Jane Austen. I was impressed.


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