Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Post-Thanksgiving

[I know that this is a couple days late but we should have "an attitude of gratitude" every day.]

My first post, which I posted on Thanksgiving day, had nothing about thanksgiving or gratitude. I feel bad about it so I thought I'd take a moment right now and express my gratitude.

As I mentioned last time (and I will continue to mention it probably for the rest of my life) I recently returned home from my mission... 11 days ago. Serving a mission was so hard for me. It pushed me outside, way outside, of my comfort zone and it took me away from the things I knew best. However, despite the difficulties that came, all the growing pains, and all the heartache that came from serving a mission... I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to serve my Father in Heaven. I made mistakes (I'm only human) but I learned from them. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my mission and all the many people that I met and taught and learned from while I was there. I am grateful for all of them too. Without this amazing and incredible experience, I would not be who I am now. I like who I am now... and who I am becoming...

I have to express my gratitude for my family. They were so supportive of me while I gone. My mother wrote me a letter every week. My dad frequently told me how proud he was of me. My siblings didn't forget about me. I would not have made it without their prayers and support. For that I am so thankful. I know that God blessed me with this family for a reason. We may not be what we term "nomal" (yes, purposely miss-spelled) but we love each other and we support each other in our righteous efforts.  

Along with my family, I am grateful for my friends. Their love and support of me has been so tremendous. And I am grateful that we can still maintain such great relationships even 18 months (or nearly 3 years) later.

Lastly, I want to mention my gratitude for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This ties in a lot with my mission. For it is on my mission that I learned how the Gospel has really and truly blessed my life. I had the extreme good fortune and blessing to be born and raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint... I was born of goodly parents who taught me about Jesus Christ, took me to church every week, and helped me plant that seed of faith. It was only a short time before I left on my mission that I allowed that seed of faith to really grow. And as I served the Lord, it blossomed and bloomed (are those the same thing?). I cannot imagine my life without the Gospel or the Book of Mormon in it. If all else fails in this life, I know that these won't. God is our loving Heavenly Father. The gospel does bless us personally and as families. When we trust in God, allow the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us (namely the Atonement) work in our lives, we can have a peace, a joy that last far past the thrills of what the world has to offer.

I am grateful for this knowledge. I know it is true.

There you go... some of the things I am grateful for. I have many more that I can list but these few are what came to my mind as I was writing.

I also want to share one of my favorite videos with you. I love the simplicity and message it contains:

I am grateful to be alive and for the circumstances in which I have been blessed with.

What are you thankful for?

Smile Always,


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