Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Smile Always Chuck Spotlight: Prank Wars

Smile Always Spotlight:

I stumbled across this book last week... and I consumed it! It was, in my own opinion, SO good. I love this author to begin with so when I saw that she had a new book out... well I couldn't resist.

Here's the Story:

Madeleine is a typical girl at BYU just trying to figure out her life and relationships. Byron is the attractive "player" across the street. Madeleine and Byron are out to get each other using harmless little pranks. Of course, it spills over to their roommates and soon the two apartments/genders are going at it- stealing couch cushions, glue as toothpaste, all that good stuff.

Well, we all know where this is going... Madeleine and Byron sitting in a tree... Haha. But there's a ton of funny pranks, situations, and a whole lot of mystery on the journey. I kept guessing the ending but I was almost always wrong.

It's a good book if you're looking for a laugh and a smile. Which I always am. It's got humor, mystery, romance, and it's set in Provo, Utah. What more can you ask for? Haha.


"Hey Carrie, watch this. I have the force." Byron licked his hand and brought it towards my face.
I scrambled backwards without him having to touch me. "Not cute and not funny," I shouted out.
"What? I wasn't going to do anything. Where's your trust? Do you really hate men that much?"
"What gave you that impression? I just hate you." It came out before I could stop it. And of course he leaned closer to me, flashing an infectious grin. I wondered how many women it had worked on.
"You aren't hurting me, you know. You're only hurting the Beta Unit."
I snickered. "You are such a nerd and you are so dead. Your place is so dead." 

This book is available on Amazon.com. Totally worth it!

Smile Always,


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